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Fall 2021 Z.Sale Details
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Store Survey
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October 30 2020 – Zoe Schuler
Election Day Survival Guide
Election Day is almost here. Emotions are running high. Many of us are feeling both anxious for it to come and ready for it to be over. No matter how you plan to spend your evening -- flipping from news channel to news channel or keeping the TV off as long as possible -- We want to help make your...
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September 11 2020 – Zoe Schuler
Z.BTQ TV Fashion Report
Meet Chloe, fashion reporter for Z.BTQ TV. Chloe is interviewing Zoe, owner of Z Boutique to find out more about the Z Sale, a plus-size consignment sale. The fall Z Sale is scheduled for Sunday September 20 - Saturday, September 26th.
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April 08 2020 – Zoe Schuler
The Z Boutique Team Misses You!
Hello from the Z Boutique team! We all miss you, our amazing customers & wanted to share an update on everyone. Clockwise from the top left:🌷Zoe is the one running the boutique right now. She's been working every day, running live sales, shipping & delivering your packages. Being at the store sitting at a desk alone is definitely not the same...
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March 17 2020 – Zoe Schuler
5 Ways We Can Stay Connected
Let's Stay Connected! An update from Z Boutique 5 Ways We Can Stay Connected Our family-run, small business still needs your support! The potential negative impact of the COVID-19 on Z Boutique and other small businesses like ours is scary! But as a locally-owned, family-run boutique, we’re also concerned about how we can continue to serve you, who are part of...
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December 21 2019 – Zoe Schuler
Wilburs Last Minute Gift Guide
Our family standard poodle, Wilbur, gives his expert gift giving advice.
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