The Z Boutique Team Misses You!
April 08 2020 – Zoe Schuler

Clockwise from the top left:
🌷Zoe is the one running the boutique right now. She's been working every day, running live sales, shipping & delivering your packages. Being at the store sitting at a desk alone is definitely not the same and we can't wait to open again! When she's not working, Zoe has been home with her husband. She's enjoying cooking some pretty delicious meals. So far, crispy carnitas (in the instant pot), chicken pot pie, chicken with 40 cloves of garlic and enchiladas have been the big hits. She's also tackled some baking, including a few loaves of homemade bread! Outside of that she's video chatting with friends, playing games with her husband and taking walks and reading.
🌷Marvel has been following a strenuous social distancing schedule. 🤣 She been reading, taking Wilbur for long walks on the golf course (sometimes Zoe & her husband join them), taking naps (sometimes two a day!) and organizing things around the house. She'll be back at the store as soon as we can open for business, but for now we thought it was safest for only one person to come in and out of the boutique.
🌷Patti said that as a retiree, her life hasn't changed too much recently. She most misses spending time with family and friends. While she misses being able to work out in the pool and attend yoga classes, she is doing yoga online with Valerie as well as some stretching exercises to keep her moving (in her comfy Z Boutique clothing of course!). She's cooking more, trying new recipes and emailing with friends & family, including her 7 year old grandkids who both just got their own email addresses (lots of emojis and silly pictures!).
🌷Gloria is home in Dodgeville following the Safer at Home orders. She's keeping in touch with friends & family and trying to stay busy. She can't wait to come back to the boutique. She misses our customers and can't wait to shop all the new Spring arrivals!
🌷Beth works full time as an Agent Team Member at a State Farm Insurance agency (just since Jan 1) and she had just grown accustomed to things when she got sent home! She had one weekend to get set up and now she says she gazes out the window (longingly) while she chats with a different set of customers than her awesome boutique beauties. She's a self proclaimed chatty "people person" and misses the face-to-face aspect! Beth has been reading a bit in her spare time (Kristan Higgins, Jen Sincero, Christina Lauren) and watching comedy specials on Netflix as well.
🌷Emily has been filling her time doing her classes (she's a grad student at UW Madison) and internship work all online! During free time she's been watching Netflix, calling friends & family, meditating, doing yoga and trying out some new recipes. Her motto is to not be too hard on herself. She's trying to listen to what her mind and body needs day by day and if that's staying in bed, that's okay!